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Brodforks are freaking incredible! 🌿 It comes from the French agricultural tool, grelinette, and was introduced to the United States in...

Earth Day Plant and Goods Sale

🌿PLANT SALE & GOODS info🌿 I'll be uploading all these tonight and if all goes well purchases will be available somewhere through the...

Sucky Blog Writer 

Forgive me father. It's been 5 months since my last blog. I truly cant follow through. In a world of bloggers, I am just not a good one....

CSA boxes and info!

We have had so many messages regarding our incredible CSA boxes. I knew once I started posting pictures interest would arise. I mean,...

Finally CSA time!

After much rain we are finally at it! Our week one will be plentiful as we had some frozen whole chickens from our last batch. Our next...

Summertime and the livin is easy!

My favorite season is hot and right upon us! I could go for a little less humidity but hot damn, I love it! ❤Summer❤ Our mini farm has...

Oh yeah. Blog 

It's been well over a month since my last confession. I mean blog. I'm laying in bed at 3 am with heartburn and anxiety and thought,...

Beeswax Wraps, huh?

I get it. I assume far too often. Not everyone knows what a beeswax wrap is, and that needs to change. If you are looking for super...

All Things Spring

We are in full spring mode here at Barefoot Hippie Homestead. Baby chicks, meat birds, baby goats, bees on their way! The apple and pear...

Que Marvin Gaye...

'Cause we totally "gettin it on" around the homestead! We acquired Patsy, a beautiful blue-eyed Nigerian dwarf from a farmer friend of...

Our First Year On The Homestead

We've been in our home a little over a year now. We've rooted and made it ours. Within 4 months of moving in we had made drastic changes....

Bees, Babies and Beginnings

We ordered our bees! I have never been more nervous about taking on a new skill, as I am with bees! It's not the fear of getting stung....

This weeks "skinny"

What a week... Spring is here and it brings this giant sigh of relief. I am not a fan of the winter. I'm tired of the cold and yearn for...

Barefoot Mama's weekly low down.

I uploaded my wraps to the shop and sold them so quickly! Thank you all for your support! Luckily, I have tons more so I am going to keep...

Barefoot Hippie Mama's weekly updates!

I've been thinking of prompts and ideas to write about. I figured I talk a lots so why not just share what's been going on during the...

New Happenings

This past week has been incredible for our little family farm. I have been networking like crazy and I have a local store that may...

40 year old virgin.

Ok, so not really a "virgin". Not like that. I am Mandy. I am 40 years old and I have never, ever written a "blog". I know. It's true...


I am so excited to share my journey with you all! Please, check back soon as I plan on updating my new blog in the next few days.

Blog: Blog2
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